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Greg Capra is the CEO of MasterTrader.com and created Pristine Capital Holdings in the 1990s. Money managers, institutional traders, and thousands of individuals have taken Greg's classes. Today students learn MasterTrader Technical Strategies MTS and attribute their knowledge as the main reason for their success.
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This no-nonsense, easy read, meant to be referenced by traders every trading day, covers everything from potent trading strategies to intuitive insights on psychology and discipline. Proving once again that the best teacher is experience, Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader will help any trader log on with the technical skills, market knowledge, and confidence they need to capture more winning trades, and reap new profits.
My name is Oliver L. Velez, and this was my first experience as a so-called professional day trader. Many might be tempted to call it my inauguration day, but I have always referred to it as my graduation day. For it was on this painfully dark day that I abandoned the ranks of those starry-eyed day traders who naively think that fast money and easy riches in the market are the norm. I abandoned that novice-filled group forever, and graduated to the more intelligent group of realists who sees and appreciates the art of day trading for what it truly is: one of the most demanding endeavors on planet Earth. There is no doubt that a big part of me died that day, right there in front of that flashing monitor. But in its place, something more splendid, something more grand, came to life. It came in the form of a fierce new determination to make sense of it all. On that infamous day, I became a new man. Out of the ashes of a beaten trader, rose a driven man bent on finding a sensible method, an intelligent approach that went well beyond the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants style practiced by the majority of the crowd. On that day, a powerful thirst for more developed. I wanted more knowledge, more discipline, more skill, more direction, and I was determined to get it, at any cost. Fortunately, I did.
Today I can honestly say, I did it. I bagged the elephant, as they say. I beat the market. With great effort and countless hours of study each day and night, I had devised a trading philosophy and a plan that was sensible. More importantly, it made money. Despite the fact that almost all of that money I earned was not mine, I felt content. I felt comfortable. And everything stayed that way, until I met a trader who would help me forge forward into even more splendid levels of trading mastery. His name is Greg Capra, my partner, my brother, and my friend.
It is our view that if you are committed to your trades on a day-to-day basis and if you are applying attention and focus to the markets daily, you are, by definition, a day trader. On the other hand, if you practice what we call the Rip Van Winkle approach to the market, which is buying a stock, taking a nap for 5 years, and hoping everything is OK when you wake up, then you are not a day trader.
For instance, we have found that stocks experiencing a great degree of momentum tend to correct (or rest) for 3 to 5 days before they resume their upward moves. This 3- to 5-day decline typically sets up a unique opportunity for the educated swing trader. We teach, through this book and a variety of services, when the trader should strike, where the traders should place his protective stop, and what the trader should look for in the trade.
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